Marta Fuertes Blitz is passionate in nature and human beings, she was born in Madrid 46 years ago. Over 12 years ago she began working and lecturing, training and consulting. She’s an Economics & Business graduate at UCM, a specialist in finance and marketing, has a Masters in Business Management from the Liver Universita deli Studi Sociali (LUISS) in Rome. She trains Human Right trainers, has a masters in transpersonal Psychology and is a certified PNL and PNL new code trainer. Her curiosity and courage have helped her work in various positions at Fiat in Italy as well as in Spain. Her life took a 360o turn after spending a year as a volunteer at the humble neighborhood of Plan 3000 in Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia), she then trained in Personal and Team Coaching and in transpersonal Psychology to devote herself to the development of people and corporations through talent and leadership management. She has trained thousands of business professionals, nationally and internationally, within training workshops and through individual and team coaching, in themes such as Director Development, Managing Change,Performance Management, Negotiation and Resolution of Conflict, Collaborative Management and Corporate Leadership in companies such as ING Direct, Vodafone, Iberdrola and Rolls Royce amongst other.
She also works with various foundations and non-profit organizations in her conferences and workshops, as well as constantly work with the Dialogical Coaching Model at Francisco de Vitoria University.